Written by Rebecca Turley

In Delaware, the topic is education reform, and the time is now. Through Delaware’s Opportunity Funding program, the state’s budget will get an overhaul, with funded and classroom-based support going directly to those who need it the most. And in June 2021, Governor John Carney made this change to how the state’s schools are funded a permanent one. By FY2025, funding for the program will double to about $60 million annually, with about $5 million of that earmarked for mental health and reading support services.
As an educator, you’ll find the Opportunity Funding program is music to your ears because education for you has always been about leaving a trail of positive change in your wake. These sorts of innovative programs inspire you to renew your commitment to Delaware’s public education system and to look ahead to where your career in education can take you.
A move out of the classroom and into an administrative role has always been a part of your career plan. Now you’re ready to make it happen. But first you’ll need to earn the degree and complete the requirements that will qualify you to become a principal or superintendent in Delaware.
Fortunately, a growing number of colleges and universities now offer master’s, educational specialist, and doctorate degrees in education leadership and administration, so you won’t need to look far to find a program that aligns with your career goals. Whether you hold a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree, you’ll find plenty of degree programs to advance your education and prepare you to become an administrator who’s ready to make lasting changes in Delaware.
How to Become a Principal in Delaware – School-level Educational Leadership
You’ll need to earn a Delaware license and Administrator Certificate – School Principal/Assistant School Principal through the Delaware Department of Education to land a job as a principal in Delaware. It’s a two-step process; the license authorizes you to work in a Delaware public/charter school, while the certificate identifies the area(s) in which you’re authorized to practice.
You already hold a Continuing or Advanced License, so now it’s time to add an Administrator Certificate – School Principal/Assistant School Principal to your license.
Before you can apply to become a principal in Delaware, you’ll need to have at least five years of experience as an educator with satisfactory annual evaluations in any PreK-12 public school setting. Once you’ve met this requirement, you can begin completing the steps to become a principal in Delaware.
Step 1. Earn a Minimum of a Master’s Degree and Department-Approved Educator Preparation Program for School Principals
You’ll need to advance your education beyond a bachelor’s degree and earn a master’s or doctoral degree to become a principal in Delaware. You can meet the education requirements by completing one of the following:
- A master’s or doctoral degree in PreK-12 educational leadership from a regionally accredited college or university with advanced preparation accredited by NCATE/CAEP, OR
- A master’s or doctoral degree from a regionally accredited college or university in any content area, plus a Department-approved educator preparation program for school principals
Master’s and doctoral degrees that are part of Department-approved educator preparation programs for school principals include all of the coursework and practical experience requirements necessary for administrator certification in Delaware. These programs are usually designed as:
- MEd in School Leadership
- MS in Educational Leadership: School Administration (K-12 Principal)
- MEd Educational Leadership
- EdD Educational Leadership
If you’ve already earned a master’s degree or above, you can meet the requirements for administration certification by completing a Delaware Principal Preparation Program, a post-master’s program that comes complete with all of the coursework and practical requirements you’ll need to earn your Administrator certificate. Most programs include about four courses and two internship experiences.
Step 2. Take and Pass the Praxis School Leaders Licensure Exam
You’ll need to take and pass the Praxis School Leaders Licensure Assessment (6990), which is administered through Educational Testing Service (ETS).
This exam includes questions on the following topics:
- Strategic leadership
- Instructional leadership
- Climate and cultural leadership
- Ethical leadership
- Organizational leadership
- Community engagement leadership
- Analysis constructed response (CR)
You also have the option of taking the Praxis School Superintendent Assessment (6991).
You can take the exam online or at a testing center near you.
Step 3. Apply for Your School Principal Administrator Certificate
Once you complete the required education and pass the Praxis II exam, you’ll be ready to add the Administrator Certificate – Principal/Assistant Principal to your current license. There is no cost to add an additional certification to your license.
You’ll need to apply for the Administrator Certificate – Principal/Assistant Principal by logging into your DEEDS account and submitting your official transcripts and test score.
Step 4. Maintain Your School Principal Administrator Certificate
A Delaware Administrator certificate is valid for as long as your educator’s license remains valid and does not need to be renewed. The Administrator certificate remains valid regardless of your employment status or assignment.
School Principal Salary and Jobs in Delaware
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Delaware principals earned a median salary of $121,260 as of May 2021. The top earners in the state earned about $129,250 during this time. Principals in the Dover metro area earned a median salary of $116,820 and a top salary of about $122,870.
How to Become a Superintendent in Delaware – District-Level Educational Leadership
You’ll need to earn a Delaware license and an Administrator Certificate – Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent through the Delaware Department of Education to work as a superintendent in Delaware. It’s a two-step process; the license authorizes you to work in a Delaware public/charter school, while the certificate identifies the area(s) in which you’re authorized to practice.
You already hold a Continuing or Advanced License, so now it’s time to add an Administrator Certificate – Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent to your license.
Before you can apply to become a principal in Delaware, you’ll also need to have at least five years of certified experience as an educator with satisfactory evaluations in any PreK-12 public school setting, along with at least two years of certified experience in one or more of the following leadership roles:
- School principal/assistant school principal
- Certified central office administrator
- Special education director
Once you’ve met these experience requirements, you can begin completing the steps to become a superintendent in Delaware.
Step 1. Earn a Minimum of a Master’s Degree and Department-Approved Educator Preparation Program for Superintendents
You’ll need to advance your education and earn a master’s or doctoral degree. You can meet the education requirements by completing one of the following:
- A doctoral degree (PreK-12) in educational leadership from a regionally accredited college or university with advanced preparation accredited by NCATE/CAEP, OR
- A master’s or doctoral degree from a regionally accredited college or university in any content area, plus the completion of a Department-approved educator preparation program for superintendents
Master’s and doctoral degrees in educational leadership are often designed as:
- EdD Educational Leadership
- EdD Educational Administration: Superintendent
- EdD Educational Leadership: School Administration (K-12 Superintendent)
If you already hold a master’s or doctoral degree from a regionally accredited college or university in any content area and a Certified Central Office Personnel Standard Certificate or Special Education Director Standard Certificate, you can meet the educational requirements to become a superintendent by completing an additional nine graduate-level credit hours in PreK-12 leadership from a regionally accredited college or university.
Step 2. Take and Pass the Praxis School Superintendent Exam
You’ll need to take and pass the Praxis School Superintendent Assessment (6991), which is administered through Educational Testing Service (ETS).
This exam includes questions on the following topics:
- Strategic leadership
- Instructional leadership
- Climate and cultural leadership
- Ethical and policy leadership
- Organizational leadership
- Community leadership
- Integrated Knowledge and Understanding (Case Study)
You can take the exam online or at a testing center near you.
Step 3. Apply for Your Superintendent Administrator Certificate
Once you complete the required education and passed the Praxis II exam, you’ll be ready to add the Superintendent Administrator Certificate to your current license. There is no cost to add an additional certification to your license.
You’ll need to apply for the Administrator Certificate – Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent by logging into your DEEDS account and submitting your official transcripts and test score.
Step 4. Maintain Your Superintendent Administrator Certificate
A Delaware Administrator certificate is valid for as long as your educator’s license remains valid and does not need to be renewed. The Administrator certificate remains valid regardless of your employment status or assignment.
Superintendent Salary and Jobs in Delaware
According to the BLS, superintendents in Delaware earned about $131,300 as of May 2021. Superintendents in the Dover metro area earned about $130,930 during this time.
Educational Leadership Degree Options in Delaware: Doctorate and Master’s in Educational Leadership
Jobs for Delaware’s educational administrators are expected to grow at a steady, albeit slow, rate through 2030. During the ten-year period leading to 2030, the number of jobs for principals and superintendents in Delaware is projected to grow by 2.1%. The state should see about 70 new jobs in education administration annually due to a blend of new job growth, retirements, and natural job turnover.
As you look to make the transition into educational leadership and administration, you’ll be met with a host of master’s, educational specialist, and doctorate programs that will get you where you want to be. Plus, a growing number of graduate programs in education administration and leadership are now offered in convenient and flexible online formats, which allow busy, working professionals to pursue their education while still meeting their professional and personal obligations.
Wilmington University
College of Education and Liberal Arts
Accreditation: MSCHE
Campus, online

M.Ed in School Leadership
Also offers:
Ed.D in Educational Leadership
Ed.D. in Higher Education Leadership
Ed.D in Organizational Learning Leadership and Innovation,
2021 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary figures for education administrators, kindergarten through secondary. Job growth projections from the US Department of Labor-sponsored resource, Projections Central. Figures are based on state data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed March 2023.