Written by Alex Dorian

Saying Nebraska’s education system is facing a contentious time would be an understatement.
Across the state, principals, superintendents, and educators are grappling with a range of proposals that will fundamentally change educational leadership across the state. Censorship worries are tempting educators to switch careers. Others wonder of how private school vouchers would affect the public school system.
In addition to these concerns, Gov. Jim Pillen and several state senators proposed a whopping $2.5 billion legislative package aimed at revamping Nebraska’s education system. The proposals include:
- Redirecting supplementary funding to rural communities, easing their reliance on property taxes for educational financing.
- $1,500 in annual per-student aid through the Education Future Fund.
- A “hold harmless” provision that would ensure school districts do not receive less funding as a result of the proposals.
- A $157 million investment in special education services.
It’s a somewhat chaotic time. There’s a lot of uncertainty about how state leadership will try to overhaul Nebraskan education. That’s where you come in.
Assuming leadership in times like these takes guts. Retaining that leadership takes fortitude. If you’ve seriously considered a career as a principal or a superintendent, now is the time to start your career. You can establish order, and be a confident voice amidst the cacophony.
Where do you start? What would be the foundation of your career as an administrator? In this article, we’ll review how to become a principal and a superintendent in Nebraska.
How to Become a Principal or Superintendent in Nebraska – School-level Educational Leadership
In Nebraska, there are two certificates you can obtain to work as a principal or a superintendent:
The key difference between the Professional and Standard Certificates is that applicants for the former must complete at least 60 graduate credit hours in an approved educational leadership or administration program. Another option is to complete a doctorate or educational specialist program. Otherwise, the prerequisites for the Standard and Professional Certificates are the same. Here’s the process for obtaining both.
Step 1. Document Two Years of Teaching Experience
First, you must hold a Nebraska Standard or Professional Teaching Certificate to qualify for one of the administrative certificates. In conjunction, you need to submit verified evidence that you worked for at least two years as one of the following:
- Teacher
- Administrator
- School Counselor/Psychologist
You can verify your experience by filling out a Verification of Employment Experience form. Fill out the name of the school, the years during which you taught, and receive a signature from your district superintendent or one of its board members.
Step 2. Obtain an Advanced Degree in Educational Leadership or Educational Administration
This is the biggest piece of the puzzle. A master’s or doctorate’s in educational leadership or educational administration is the foundation for getting your Standard and Professional Administrator Certificates.
As mentioned, you must complete at least 60 graduate credit hours to qualify for the Professional Administrative Certificate. Successful completion exceeds the minimum qualifications for receiving the Standard Administrative Certificate, so it’s in your best interest to pursue a more intensive master’s or doctorate program. Qualifying majors include:
- Master’s in Educational Leadership
- Master’s in Educational Administration
- Doctor of Educational Leadership
- Doctor of Educational Administration
After completing your major, you must retain the official transcripts. They’re proof that you did the necessary work to earn your certificate.
Step 3. Complete an Institutional Verification Form
In addition to submitting your official transcripts, you must also complete an institutional verification form signed by a certification officer from the college or university you attended. The officer verifies:
- The major you completed (Master’s, Doctorate, etc.)
- The type of program you completed, such as educational leadership.
- The number of semester credit hours you completed.
After documenting your education experience, you’re ready to take the requisite Praxis assessments.
Step 4. Take the Praxis Educational Leadership: Administration and Supervision Assessment
Nebraska requires aspiring principals to submit a signed endorsement from Praxis with their application. To receive this endorsement, you must pass the Educational Leadership: Administration and Supervision test. You can prep for this exam with a written study companion or buy a practice test.
A qualifying score is 146. Earn that score, and Praxis will give you a signed endorsement. With that step out of the way, you can pursue additional training Nebraska requires.
Step 5. Complete Human Relations Training
Assuming you already have your Standard or Professional Teaching Certificate, you’ve likely already completed the Human Relations and Special Education Training requirements. However, if you received your certificate before July 21st, 2022, you may have to take the trainings if you didn’t complete them as part of your initial certification.
You can find a list of upcoming human relations courses here. These courses instruct you on managing dehumanizing biases, using HR tactics to develop positive learning experiences, and empathizing with individuals from different backgrounds.
Step 6. Complete Special Education Training
You have two options to fulfill your Special Education Requirement:
- Verify that you’ve worked with students possessing certain disabilities throughout your time as a teacher.
- Receive specialized training on how to facilitate environments in which students with disabilities may thrive.
If you plan on using your experience to fulfill the Special Education Requirement, you must complete what’s called a “Narrative.” The Narrative describes the skills you’ve acquired through instructing students with disabilities. Your supervisor provides written affirmation that you possess the following knowledge:
- Identifying the exceptional needs of students with physical, sensory, intellectual, behavioral and learning disabilities.
- Implementing the least restrictive environments for children with disabilities.
- Utilizing pre-referral alternatives, referral systems and individualized education plans.
- Understanding the predominant characteristics inherent in specific disabilities.
- Teaching students with disabilities in regular classrooms.
The Special Education Training is the last pre-application requirement on your checklist. Now, you can submit your application for the Standard or Professional Administrator Certificate through the TEACH system.
Step 7. Submit Your Application and Fee through the TEACH system
The TEACH system is where you’ll submit applications for new certifications as well as renewals. You can use your existing credentials to login, and then start a new application for your Standard or Professional certificate.
After submitting your application, you’ll receive updates through the TEACH system regarding the status of your certification. If you want any updates, feel free to contact the Department of Education directly.
Step 8. Superintendent Option: Receive a Superintendent Endorsement through Praxis
As we mentioned earlier, there’s an additional requirement for those who wish to become superintendents. You’ll fulfill all of the aforementioned prerequisites with one key difference: You’ll take the Praxis School Superintendent Assessment. A passing score is 162 – 16 points higher than the Educational Leadership: Administration and Supervision test. Praxis has a ton of study resources for aspiring superintendents, so take full advantage of them before you schedule your exam.
If you pass the superintendent exam, you’ll receive an endorsement through Praxis. Include that endorsement in your application through the TEACH system.
School Principal and Superintendent Salary and Jobs in Nebraska
Whether you receive your Standard or Professional Administrator Certificate, you’ll make a good living for yourself.
For one thing, educational leadership roles are expected to grow 7.7 percent between 2020 and 2030. That’s slightly above the average for all other occupations. Regardless of which educational leadership role you step into, you’ll have work – so don’t fret about your employment prospects.
As far as pay goes, principals in Nebraska earn a median annual income of $118,930 per year, which is comparable to the national median. You’re likely going to earn a six-figure salary in a low-cost state, which will get you very far. Here’s the median annual salary for principals broken down by area:
- Grand Island: $130,980
- Northeast Nebraska nonmetropolitan area: $126,330
- Lincoln: $126,330
- Northwest Nebraska nonmetropolitan area: $103,970
- Omaha-Council Bluffs: $123,990
- South Nebraska nonmetropolitan area: $114,470
What about superintendents? These folks earn a median annual salary of $126,040 – about $8,000 more than principals. Again, you’re going to set yourself up very well. Like principals, your pay will largely depend on where your district is in the state. Here’s a breakdown of the median annual salaries for superintendents:
- Grand Island: $130,980
- Northeast Nebraska nonmetropolitan area: $131,890
- Lincoln: $126,330
- Northwest Nebraska nonmetropolitan area: $123,990
- Omaha-Council Bluffs: $130,610
- South Nebraska nonmetropolitan area: $132,080
Educational leadership Degree Options in Nebraska: Doctorate and Master’s in Educational Leadership
All the pieces are set, and it’s an exciting time to step into an educational leadership role. Like we said, your education will be the foundation on which you build your career as a principal or superintendent. We’ve assembled a list of all the master’s and doctorate degrees in educational leadership and administration throughout the state.
Concordia University Nebraska
Accreditation: HLC

M.Ed in Educational Administration with Principal Endorsement
- Concentration: Principal Endorsement
Creighton University
Graduate School
Accreditation: HLC

MS in Educational Leadership
- Concentrations: School Administration, K-12 Educational Leadership through Sports
Also offers:
Graduate Certificate in Catholic School Leadership
Ed.D in Interdisciplinary Leadership
Graduate Certificate in K-12 Educational Leadership through Sports
MS in Educational Leadership-Teacher Leadership
Doane University
College of Education Graduate
Accreditation: HLC

M.Ed in Educational Leadership
Midland University
Walker School of Education
Accreditation: HLC

M.Ed in Leadership Teaching and Learning
- Concentration: Principal Endorsement
Also offers:
MS in Sport Administration and Leadership
2021 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary figures for education administrators, kindergarten through secondary. Job growth projections from the US Department of Labor-sponsored resource, Projections Central. Figures are based on state data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed May 2023.